December 29, 2011

Superfood Spotlight: Blueberries

Chris swears by blueberries more than any other food. He simply loves them, adding them to cereal and smoothies or just eating them right out of the fridge. Blueberries are little rock stars. Here’s why:

Antioxidants- Blueberries are loaded with vitamin C, vitamin E, and phytochemicals. Antioxidants work to neutralize free radicals — unstable molecules linked to the development of cancer, cardiovascular disease and other age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s.

Manganese- Manganese plays an important role in bone development and in converting the proteins, carbohydrates and fats in food into to energy.  The USDA reports that 8 oz. of wild blueberries provide 4.54 mg of manganese.

Folate- Blueberries are a very good source of folate, a B vitamin necessary for nerve function and protein metabolism.

Fiber- These guys provide a very good amount of fiber (nearly 4 grams per cup). Most low-GI foods with strong fiber content are foods we can count on to be helpful in blood sugar regulation.

Blueberries are not only super, but they are also delicious and great in baked goods.

Check out there recipes for some ideas:
Blueberry Acai Smoothie . Banana Blueberry Pancakes . Blueberry Muffins . Blueberry Corn Salad . Blueberry Fruit Salad

December 27, 2011

The Podcast That Could Change Your Life

Shortly after I decided to go vegan I discovered a podcast that has changed my life. I'm not exaggerating; Colleen’s words have left me a more compassionate, healthier and happier person. I am so thankful for tuning into Colleen Patrick Goudreau’s “Vegetarian Food for Thought” podcast. Chris and I have since listened to most of the episodes and have tried to pass the information on to others. Some of my myth busting posts were directly inspired by the podcast.

Please take a little time to listen to a few of these episodes. There are so many topics to choose from and so much work put into them. Plus, they are free!
All you need to do is go to iTunes, search for “vegetarian food for thought,” download a few episodes and start listening (on the drive to work, at the gym, while shoveling, wherever). Colleen speaks frankly and honestly, but with compassion, humor and intelligence. Please check it out.

Episodes on nutrition:
Soy is Not Evil
An Essential Vitamin: B12
Milk is a natural food, and cows naturally give milk, so what's wrong with drinking it?
The Protein Myth and Vegetarianism

Episodes on lifestyle and culture:
Living Among Meat-Eaters
The Practical Aspects of Being Vegan
Transitioning to a Vegan Diet
Common Responses to Vegetarianism

Episodes on food:
Five Favorite Foods: Carrots, Dates, Walnuts, Oats, Brussels Sprouts
I Eat Only "White Meat" - In Defense of Chickens
Eat Your Vegetables!
Life After Cheese
Five Favorite Foods: Quinoa, Kale, Blueberries, Tempeh, and Tea
Replacing Eggs in Cooking and Baking

Greening Your Life
Speaking your Truth
Minding the Gatekeepers

Colleen has also written lots of amazing cookbooks!

December 26, 2011

Monday Munchies: Apple & Blueberry Porridge

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Cozy up with family and friends and devour a warm bowl of this healthy and nutrient packed porridge. Apple, blueberries, oats and chia seeds are featured in this comforting breakfast or lunch. Be merry.

Time: 15 mins   Serves: 1-2
  • 1/3 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup non-dairy or dairy milk (I use rice milk)
  • ½ cup water
  • tinny pinch of salt
  • 1 tbs white chia seeds
  • 1 large apple, finely grated to a pulp (use a zester)
  • a handful of blueberries
  • maple syrup to serve

Add the oats, milk, water, chia seeds and salt to a small pot with ¾ of the apple pulp. Bring to a simmer and allow to gently bubble for 1 minute while constantly stirring. Add the handful of blueberries towards the end and stir through. Transfer the cooked oats to a warm bowl, spoon on top the remaining apple pulp, dot a few extra blueberries around and drizzle with maple syrup or a sprinkle of brown sugar.

December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas To One And All

After a nice morning at home we are heading out to catch a flight to the Midwest. So excited to see family and friends and enjoy more holiday happiness. Wishing everyone a merry little christmas.

via pinterest.

December 24, 2011

A Pinterest Christmas

All of these lovely green and white holiday images were found via Pinterest. If you have not heard of Pinterest you should check it out. Be warned, you may end up spending hours just looking. Happy Christmas!

December 22, 2011

Stocking Stuffers Round 4

What’s more festive than sparkle?! I like to add a little sparkle to the holidays… from twinkle lights to sequins skirts, a little goes a long way. Something sparkly in the stocking might be just the thing.

December 19, 2011

Monday Munchies: Pear & Kale Smoothie with Herbs

Because I am already feeling the need for detoxing... here is a lovely green smoothie recipe. This one has pear, kale and herbs. Enjoy and recharge... and get ready for Christmas!

*Serves 2

2 cups kale
1 1/2 cups water
2 ripe pears, cored and peeled
1/4 cup herbs (parsley and cilantro both work great)
1 frozen banana
1 cup ice
1 Tablespoon grond flax
Protein powder (optional)
1/4 avocado (optional)

Blend water, greens, and herbs for 15 seconds - 1 minute (depending on your blender) on high. Then add the pear, banana, ice, flax seeds, protein powder (if using), and avocado (if using) and blend for an additional 30 seconds - 1 minute. Cheers.

December 18, 2011

December 15, 2011

Holiday Cookie Exchange

For those of you who love holiday cookies, participate in cookie parties or cookie exchanges… these recipes are for you!  I would love to host a vegan cookie baking party… but I think people would be afraid of not knowing what to bake. Well, be afraid no more! You can’t go wrong with these delicious holiday cookie ideas.

December 13, 2011

Stocking Stuffers Round 2

Here are some special things to keep you warm while ice skating, snowshoeing or just being at home with family. These little lovelies will warm you inside and out during this snowy season.

December 12, 2011

Monday Munchies: Chickpea Fennel Crackers

Hi everyone... it's Monday again. Time for a new delicious vegan recipe to add to your arsenal. These chickpea fennel crackers sound lovely and full of flavor. Bake some up this week to enjoy with hummus or some olive spread.

Recipe Here.

December 9, 2011

Superfood Spotlight: Kale

There are some foods that are so amazing, so packed with nutrients and so good for you that we have to call them SUPERfoods! My favorite of these superfoods is beautiful, leafy green kale.
So, why is kale so amazing you might ask? Here are some of the endless reasons:
Vitamin K- Kale provides a whopping dose of vitamin K (1327% of the RDA in 1 cup), which is necessary for strengthening our bones. Vitamin K also prevents nasty calcium build-up in our tissue.
Vitamin A- With over 192% of the RDA of vitamin A, 1 cup of kale is an effective antioxidant, boosts immunity, and maintains healthy bones and teeth.
Vitamin C- Vitamin C (over 88% of our RDA from 1 cup) is not only a powerful antioxidant, but also lowers blood pressure and ensures a healthy immune system.
Calcium- 1 cup of cooked kale provides nearly 10% of the RDA of calcium. The calcium in kale is more absorbable than the calcium in milk so it helps protect against osteoporosis, arthritis, and bone loss.
Fiber- 1 cup contains nearly 20% of the RDA of dietary fiber, which promotes regular digestion, prevents constipation, lowers blood sugar and curbs overeating.
To prepare kale: pull the leaves off the stems, wash and chop. You can steam kale, add kale to smoothies, toss kale into a stir-fry, make an amazing raw kale salad, bake some kale chips, or add kale to cooked pasta. The options are endless.
Kale recipes to try:

December 6, 2011

Stocking Stuffers Round 1

Today I am starting a holiday blog post series all about fabulous stocking stuffer suggestions.  The Christmas stocking has always been a favorite tradition of mine… waking up in the morning, searching for the hidden stocking and then sneaking some 7am sugar before anyone else is awake.

Sadly, lots of the old favorites or traditional holiday sweets and treats contain animal products… most of which I was never even aware of. I am gathering plenty of goodies fit for any size, shape or type of stocking. Mine has a Santa on it… whose beard had to be repaired a few times due to overstuffing. What can I say… I love candy!

Let’s start out with some great sweet stocking stuffers.

December 5, 2011

Monday Munchies: Chocolate Covered Pretzel Donuts

It's a bitter cold Monday in Denver. Wishing I could stay home and make these donuts rather than going to work.

  • 1 1/2 cups warm
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1 package active dry yeast
  • 4.5 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 Tbs earth balance, melted
  • Vegetable oil, for pan
  • Water for boiling
  • 2/3 cup baking soda
  • Kosher salt
  • 0.5 lb semisweet chocolate
  1. Combine the water, sugar, yeast, and kosher salt in a bowl and let it sit for 5 minutes.
  2. Add the flour and earth balance, a little at a time,  to the yeast mixture. Stir until well combined.
  3. Knead the dough, for 5 minutes, on a lightly floured surface.
  4. Put 1 tsp of oil in a clean bowl and put the dough into the bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it sit in a warm place an hour.
  5. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.
  6. Bring the water and the baking soda to a boil on the stove.
  7. Put the dough onto a lightly oiled work surface and divide into 15 equal pieces.
  8. Roll out each piece of dough so that it is about 5″ long.
  9. Put  each piece of dough into a hole in the donut pan and push the dough down with your finger until it fills out the entire shape.
  10. Use a fork to carefully lift the dough out of the pan, and 1 by 1, place it into the boiling water for 30 seconds. Take the dough out of the boiling water and put it back into the donut pan.
  11. Once all of the donuts have been boiled and placed into the donut pan, sprinkle them with salt and stick the pan in the oven for 12 minutes, or until light brown.
  12. Let the donuts cool completely.
  13. Melt the chocolate in a bowl.
  14. Dip the top of the donuts into the chocolate and set it aside to harden.

December 3, 2011

Advent Calendar Round-Up

My mom has been giving my sisters and I an advent calendar each year for as long as I can remember. Several years I requested the 90s chocolate version (which I am sure is still around today)… even though that chocolate was pretty terrible… I loved it. Other years we got the beautiful paper ones with Christmas scenes and sparkles. I liked the ones with animals the best and always opened the little door first thing in the morning.
The Vermont Christmas Company has lots of paper ones to choose from.

Advent calendars have come along way in the past few years… with lots of creative ideas and inspiration for new twists on an old tradition. I am loving these ideas! I might have to make one for Chris… or maybe the pets!  Anyway, check these out:

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